PROJECT GUARDRAIL: Take Back the US Senate
Should Trump win another term this November, establishing a ‘guardrail’ in the United States Senate will be critical to reducing the “risk of serious accidents.” Mitch McConnell and the current Republican Senate majority have demonstrated that they are willing to support whatever Trump does regardless of the rule of law and the oath they took to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.
We need to take back the United States Senate and establish a ‘guardrail’ to protect our Democracy and the America people. We are doubling down on our efforts to do just that with investments in our digital and virtual ground game programs in key states. We firmly believe that we can make a material difference and get take our country back with your help.
Update: Special Elections in Georgia on January 5th to decide balance of power in US Senate! You can learn more HERE
47 Democrats
53 Republicans
Current Balance of Power
(U.S. Senate)
Project Guardrail Key Targets
Take Back the US Senate!
(Hover then click to learn more)
North Carolina: Democrat Cal Cunningham versus Republican Senator Tom Tillis.
This race is a Toss Up!
Alaska: Democrat Al Gross versus Republican Senator Dan Sullivan.
This race is a Toss Up!
Maine: Democrat Sara Gideon versus Republican Senator Susan Collins.
This race is a Toss Up!
Montana: Democrat Steve Bullock versus Republican Senator Steve Daines.
This race is a Toss Up!
Colorado: Democrat John Hickenlooper versus Republican Senator Cory Gardner. This race is a Toss Up!
Georgia: Democrat Jon Ossof versus Republican Senator David Perdue.
This race is a Toss Up!
Arizona: Democrat Mark Kelly versus Republican Senator Martha McSally.
This race is a Toss Up!
Iowa: Democrat Theresa Greenfield versus Republican Senator Joni Ernst.
This race is a Toss Up!
Our goal: 4+ victories
Currently the Republicans hold a 53 – 45 – 2 vote advantage with Independents Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Angus King (I-RH) caucusing with the Democrats.
There are 12 Democratic and 21 Republican Senate seats on the ballot this November. The math is usually on the side of the party with the fewer seats to defend and this November, the math is with the Democrats.
However, several, but not all, of the Republicans running for re-election are running from states that Donald Trump comfortably carried in 2016 – exceptions include Martha McSally (R-AZ), Susan Collins (R-ME), Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Thom Tillis (R-NC). Only one Democrat, Doug Jones (D-AL), is running for re-election in a state that Trump overwhelmingly carried Alabama by 27.7% and is considered to be the most vulnerable Democrat running this November.
There are also some Senate seats that may be on the political bubble for one reason or another including Mitch McConnell (R-KT), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), and two seats in Georgia.
Our Plan
We have a leading edge digital campaign program and a COVID-19 'virtual' boots on the ground strategy that we will deploy to key U.S. Senate and battleground states with your support.
GOTV Resources:
Get the candidates and programs the resources so they can focus on execution and turning out the votes we need to win.
Dominate Healthcare:
We have worked with some of the best minds in health policy and digital activism to develop a leading edge strategy on healthcare.
Secure the Vote:
We used artificial intelligence to develop a comprehensive support system for vote-by-mail programs in key states.
Get involved right now!
You can (1) review a report on a Project Guardrail target of your choice or (2) make a donation to support a particular candidate or race.
Candidate Donation:
Click HERE to make a donation to an initiative via ActBlue:
Take Back the US Senate!
Click on the race you want to support!
Food for Peace
U.S. Senator George McGovern (D-SD) was a passionate advocate for the poor and most vulnerable among us. George was appointed by President Kennedy to run his Food for Peace initiative where he founded the World Food Programme in 1962. We admire George's commitment to feeding the hungry. Please make a gift to the World Food Programme USA in his honor.
Mail Address:
World Food Programme USA
1725 I Street NW, Suite 510
Washington, DC 20006
Phone Number:
(202) 627-3939

Senator George McGovern
(First Director, Food for Peace Program)
State-by-State Reports:
Click HERE to access our state-by-state strategic reports:
Learn More:
“Guardrail |ˈgärdˌrāl| noun: a strong fence at the side of a road or in the middle of an expressway, intended to reduce the risk of serious accidents...”
Here are some additional resources:
Websters Dictionary