PROJECT GUARDRAIL: Colorado 2020 Hickenlooper vs Gardner
One of the top election forecasters recently moved Colorado’s U.S. Senate election from the category of “toss up” to “leans Democratic.” Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball, a nonpartisan project of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, cited Colorado voters’ continued preference for Democrats and incumbent U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner’s general support for President Donald Trump as reasons for the change.
“This re-election path for Gardner isn’t impossible, but he needs some things to break his way in order to retain his seat. Hence, it makes more sense to look at Gardner as an underdog,” the Crystal Ball concluded.
The forecast noted that Gardner’s 48%-46% victory in 2014 over then-U.S. Sen. Mark Udall came in part from a strong performance in Congressional District 6. Since then, the district has voted in much greater margins for Democrats. The Crystal Ball concluded that Gardner would not likely receive many votes from Democrats in the district this time, “at least not in the necessary volume he’d traditionally need.”
47 Democrats
53 Republicans

We are all in for Hickenlooper!
How we beat Cory Gardner: run up the score
Colorado is steadily trending Democratic, but Cory Gardner (R-CO) proved in 2014 that conservative Republicans can win statewide contests against popular Democrats like former US Senator Mark Udall (D-CO). Hickenlooper can take nothing for granted. A successful Democratic strategy will focus on the following areas:
First, Colorado is a "mail-in only" election which means every voter in the state is proactively sent a mail-in ballot. Democrats must bank as many of these as possible during early/ absentee voting to run up the score in Denver and Boulder County.
Second, Democrats need to maximize turnout among voters of color and suburban in the Denver metro area, specifically the 6th Congressional District in particular, but also in communities like Colorado Springs and Fort Collins.
Third, Hickenlooper needs to increase his support amongst Millennials. In 2018 they were the single largest cohort of voters in the increasingly progressive state.
Finally, Democrats needs to persuade a significant share of 2016 third-party voters who voted in 2018. Especially, in former conservative strongholds like Mineral County which went blue for Jared Polis in 2018.
TakeItBack.Org and Project Guardrail are excited to lend a hand in Colorado, but we need your help.
Key Target Counties:
El Paso
Our Plan
We have a leading edge digital campaign program and a COVID-19 'virtual' boots on the ground strategy that we will deploy to key U.S. Senate and battleground states with your support. Click HERE to donate.
Dominate Healthcare:
Cory Gardner has an atrocious record on healthcare voting numerous time with Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump to remove protections for 2,400,600 Colorado citizens with pre-existing-conditions.
Gardner isn't Colorado:
This guy wants the job more than he wants to do the job. He is the worst kind of politician because he will sell his political soul and march locked step with the likes of Donald Trump if he thinks it will better serve him – no profiles in courage here.
Enhanced Vote-By-Mail:
We used artificial intelligence to develop a comprehensive support system for vote-by-mail and absentee programs in Colorado which has one of the most progressive vote-by-mail programs in the nation. Help us take advantage of it so we can run up the score.
Get involved right now!
Please make a DONATION right now to support John Hickenlooper and a Colorado victory this November, then increase your impact 3x by sharing this page with family and friends.
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Note: if you have saved your payment information to Act Blue Express you donation will go through immediately.
Additional Resources
Donate to the Colorado Democratic Party!
The Colorado Democratic Party GOTV Program has a proven record in turning out the vote in Montana. Most recently their efforts included electing Democratic Governor Jarod Polis in 2018. Their program is aggressive with a key focus on turning out the vote amongst the state's American Indian and suburban female populations. Please give and give generously so we can turn out the vote for John Hickenlooper and other Colorado Democrats!
Food for Peace Colorado
U.S. Senator George McGovern (D-SD) was a passionate advocate for the poor and most vulnerable among us. George was appointed by President Kennedy to run his Food for Peace initiative where he founded the World Food Programme in 1962. We admire George for his commitment to feeding the hungry. Please make a gift to the Food Bank of the Rockies in his honor:
Food Bank of the Rockies:
Click HERE to Donate
Food Bank of the Rockies:
10700 E. 45th Ave
Denver, CO 80239
Food Bank of the Rockies Number:
(303) 371-9250

Senator George McGovern
(First Director, Food for Peace Program)
Click HERE to donate to support another Guardrail candidate!:
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