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Teddy AI

TakeItBack.Org's Digital Political Activist Assistant

Meet Teddy

Teddy AI (that's short for Teddy Artificial Intelligence and named after the 25th President of the United States, Theodore  Roosevelt Jr.) is a member of TakeItBack.Org team. Just like his human colleagues, Teddy is dedicated to helping you maximize your digital footprint and impact. You can meet Teddy on Facebook Messenger and Google Assistant. He can help you take action like contacting your elected representatives, learning about best practices in digital and progressive activism, or answering any questions you have about our organization and goals.

This is Teddy

Teddy is not just another smart assistant, he's a self-learning system (Artificial Intelligence) we developed in partnership with Google. Teddy has his own inventive, helpful, and friendly character but be warned; he can also be a bit arrogant from time to time. Aside from that, he's always eager to learn more in order to be of better service to you.

Teddy is part of our volunteer servicing team and is only supported by a human activist when help is needed. Teddy, like most technology, occasionally needs extra help from a human. When Teddy cannot help you he will connect with a live activist. You can also text "HUMAN" to +18509203207 and a live activist will contact you as soon as one is available.

How can Teddy help?

Here are just a few ways:

Take Action: 

Teddy AI can help you sign a petition, call your US Senator, and more..


Teddy AI has the resources to  help you advance progressive change in the digital age..

Contact Us: 

Teddy AI can put you in touch with one of our volunteer members ASAP..

Teddy AI Contact live activist. I can help you with that. What would youlike to speak about? Project Guardrail. Understood... I have contacted ourteam. Someone will bewith you shortly..

Take our official Healthcare Survey

Like 2018, voters like you made it clear in no uncertain terms, that access to affordable quality healthcare was one of the most important issues on people’s minds.  We believe the 2020 election, in light of the public healthcare crisis and lack of a competent federal response, will put healthcare once again at top of voter’s minds.

 take our brief 7-question survey today by clicking the button below.

Connect with a live activist!

Teddy is part of our volunteer servicing team and is only supported by a human activist when help is needed. Teddy, like most technology, occasionally needs extra help from a human. When Teddy cannot help you he will connect with a live activist. You can also text "HUMAN" to +18509203207 and a live activist will contact you as soon as one is available.

(805) 920-3207 Text: “Health” Thank you for yourinterest in healthcare.Initiating survey now.

“Nothing in this world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty."

Text message with Teddy

Not everyone likes using Facebook Messenger. Which is why Teddy can help maximize your impact via text messaging as well. Click the button take our latest survey on healthcare with Teddy via SMS (text message.) 

Theodore Roosevelt Jr

25th President of the United States

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