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#StopStephenMiller Join us and increase your impact by 3x using our FREE social media toolkit!
You really can increase your impact 3x by sharing and liking posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but only if you do it correctly.
That is why our team of experts has developed an exclusive social media kit outlining some “best practices” to make sure you are reaching as many people as possible when it comes to posting and sharing on social media.
Social media support services
Exclusive "insider" information
Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram in one click!
Learn from the pros!
#StopStephenMiller by making him viral again!
Now get your toolkit -- and let's get started!
Rick Weiland (Co-Founder, TakeItBack.Org)
P.S. You can donate to our campaign by clicking HERE
P.O. Box 2017
Sioux Falls, SD 57101
Phone: 605.274.8706
Email: Rick@TakeItBack.Org
Say NO to child separation!
Make Stephen Miller viral again with our FREE toolkit!
What they are saying about TakeItBack.Org
Senator Elizabeth Warren on Rick Weiland and "taking it back" in 2014: "We can rely on them to be strong voices in our fight to level the playing field for working families – whether it’s protecting Social Security for our seniors, making college more affordable for our kids, or holding powerful interests accountable."

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